Sunday, December 5, 2010

Legendary Mixer

So the Mixer event was last night!

I was pretty stoked about it, actually I'm pretty stoked about how it turned out. There were a lot of people and they had a really good time. I'm so glad that we decided to do it. There were a lot of guys, more than girls. I think the ratio was like 2 boys to 1 girl. Refreshing huh?

The guys seemed to have a good time and I liked that very much. The caliber of guys that came was top notch yet very down to earth. They did not seem to mind the African girls in the group.

Most people actually thought that this was something that had been going on for a while. They were asking when the next one would be and if we had the Mixer every month. It was so humbling to see how well it was received.

So the girls are planning to do a New Year's bash. It's still under consideration and we're yet to hear from people about their thoughts on that.

I'm very thankful to God for blessing us with such a good inaugural event.

Have a nice week everyone.
