Sunday, January 25, 2009

Hmmmm *sigh*

It's 2009. I feel great!

Wow, I had planned so much for this year, but life is taking me in another direction I didn't expect. I'm learning everyday how to do the work that has been placed in front of me. I hope I have fun. Yesterday, I got curious and decided to look at my horoscope for the year. Sshhh don't tell anyone. But it says that this year I'm pouring myself into my life mission and rejuvenating myself with abundant thinking. That I've created a new me!

As you may already know, I'm very passionate about Agricultural Biotechnology especially for Africa. I had prayed and planned to set up a website that would educate people about biotechnology and hopefully answer the questions they had about it. I spent many hours planning and writing and doing so much research on web hosting and website maintenance. I was planning to launch my career and was excited about it.

Through the fall semester, I was a member of a club for non-LDS christian students at my university (BYU). I liked the club, since I was becoming more spiritual in my life, it served as a support system for me. At the end of the year, the faculty advisor for the club asked to meet with me. I though at first that it was a meet and greet she wanted to do. She proceeded to tell me that the guy who was president of the club was requesting time off to focus on his dissertation. The club needed a leader or else it would have dissolved. No, I thought to myself. The club was so good to me, and frankly I was surprised that none of the members wanted leadership of the club. After a few meetings with the advisor, I accepted to be president of CrossSeekers, formerly Baptist Student Union. Funny thing is that all semester long I was reading a book titled 'Gentile Girl- Living with Latter Day Saints' by Carol Forseth. She was the lady who launched the BSU at the university. Prior to that, it was an off- campus club. Who thought I was learning life lessons? Since becoming president of the club, I've read the book again- this time paying attention to every detail.

I attend St. Mary's Episcopal Church here in Provo. At the beginning of the year, they had several openings in the vestry (governing body of the church/parish). I was asked to consider being on the vestry. I told them that I'd think about it. Honestly I wasn't 'thinking about it' for sometime till they approached me again. I realized that they were serious about it. So I sought a prayerful answer. Why was I being asked to take on more responsibility now that I was a senior with so much to do? Then I remembered that I had prayed that God show me what He wanted me to do with my life. Maybe this was it. The people at my church were very supportive and they decided to make an exception for me- give me a 1 yr term on the vestry when they usually go for 3 years. I said yes.

You see how different the responsibilities I've taken on this year are from what I had planned. I overheard my priest say, I think she was quoting someone: If you wanna hear God laugh, tell Him what you have planned.

Slowly I'm learning a lot. I'm very busy and I don't know how all this will work out. I'm praying again for help and divine strength.

Its 2009! I'm excited!