Saturday, October 30, 2010

hoLLAAAAAA! I'm back!

So after a 7 month hiatus I'm back.
The BREAK was good. It did me so much good!

End of March I finally got aJOB holaaaaa

I work at ALS Laboratory Group in Salt lake City. I found the job on craigslist and immediately called Kristine to ask her if I should apply. That girl has been with me thru it all.
Of course she yelled HELL YEAH! Ok no, she's much more refined, so she said that I should get on it and apply that minute.

I was and still am so grateful to have a job. I had become a depressed mess before I got the job.

My workmates are fun. Especially now that I've made friends there. It's awesome. I go back to my saying, wise saying, if you like/get along with the people you work with, you can pretty much work anywhere.

My job entails Industrial Hygiene sample preparation. I'm surrounded by so many filters, wipes, paint chips and soil samples. I prep them for trace metals analysis. Recently though I've started analyzing for Lead by Flame Atomic Absorption (FLAA).

Totally unnecessary info but I couldn't resist to share it with yall.

My boyfriend and I ended things :( double sad

I'm ok now- totally. Like really ok. For a while there I was SAD??

Early summer was just a weird time. So much went down (the break-up being one of them).
A lot of HURT and heartache.

I took sometime to heal from all that, and to detoxify from that nastiness.

I'm cool now. Or at least I think so.

I'm grateful for everyday blessings, and I look forward to more blessings!
